Training on the Development of Key Performance Indicators in the Agricultural Sector

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security (MoALSF) on Monday 29th July 2024 commenced a four-day training workshop on the development of key performance Indicators in the Agricultural sector of OIC Member countries held at the SDKJ International Conference Center.

The Agric. Ministry submitted a proposal under the 10th call for the project proposals of the COMCE Project Funding Mechanism. The Project was selected as one of the successful projects to be financed in 2024.

One of the activities under this project is to organize a capacity building training program. The objective of the training is to build human and institutional capacity in developing key performance indicators (KPI) to measure performance against set targets.

The training is also in line with the COMCEC Strategy Objective of “Reliable and Up-To-Date Data” which aims to promote reliable and up-to-date data collection with a view to ensuring sound analysis of the sector.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Hon. Dr. Demba Sabally, Minister MoALFS, reminded the gathering that last year around the same time; we were gathered here at Tamala Beach Hotel for a similar training on Data Collection Analysis and Reporting; support by the same organization, COMCEC.

“The purpose of this project is to identify critical success factors in the agriculture sector, quantify those critical factors and develop Key Performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze them to measure performance against set targets.” He said.

Dr. Sabally added that the training of Agriculture and Natural Resource sector officials; M&E officers to be specific will improve performance management in the agriculture and Natural Resource sectors of OIC countries. This training will involve experience sharing among peer institutions.

He further narrated that the training would equip Agriculture and Natural Resource sector officials of the OIC with the requisite skills and core competencies to develop and analyze KPIs for improved agricultural and Natural resource policymaking and planning.

“I thank the Ministry of Agriculture of Türkiye for making it to this training in the spirit solidarity and multilateral cooperation as envisaged in the COMCEC Strategy,” he concluded.

Also speaking at the opening ceremony, H.E  F. Turker OBA, Turkish Ambassador to the Gambia stated that the importance of Agriculture is clear. Over 65% of Gambians depend on farming for their livelihood. As stated during the State of the National Address SONA, Agriculture contributes 24% to the GDP of this country.

This training according to the Turkish Ambassador would contribute to the endeavors of The Gambia aiming at enhancing capacity in the areas of performance measurement, compilation and data processing.

It will also provide a valuable opportunity for sharing experiences among project partners.
